What If The Planets Changed Positions?

What If The Planets Changed Positions?

What if Jupiter was right next to the Sun? Or what if Earth switched places with Mars? Today, we’re re-arranging the planets in our Solar System from largest to smallest. And then flipping them back to go smallest to largest. How would this affect Earth? And would we have a new planet to call home?

00:00 What If The Planets Changed Positions?
00:45 Reorganizing Planets By Size
02:53 Potential Habitability Changes on Uranus
03:57 Increased Heat From the Sun
05:47 Destabilization due to Gravitational Pull Among Planets
06:35 Earth Might Become Neptune’s Moon
08:32 Venus Would Not Become Habitable

#whatif #planets #solarsystem #space #cosmos
Credit to : What If